Only now have people even considered this issue in Ste. Genevieve, when this should have been thought of the entire time. “A study published in 2010 showed there were 4 times as many dog bite-related visits and 3 times as many hospital stays in rural areas than in urban areas” (Holquist 1). Recently, however, an attack occurred this past summer in Ste. Genevieve, which only now awakened precaution. The town has been having problems with all dog owners, but especially pit bull owners, in regards to keeping them contained. While it is common knowledge that keeping one’s dog contained whether it be on a leash or on the owner's property is the law, many do not abide by this law because they believe that their dog would never harm anyone. While the town considered adopting a sort of BSL law, they decided to keep the laws as they are even though it has been prove to be ineffective. People forget that when dealing with legislation regarding dogs or animals that it is a very sensitive subject and people have immense emotional attachments with their pets. THis makes it more difficult for these laws to be
Only now have people even considered this issue in Ste. Genevieve, when this should have been thought of the entire time. “A study published in 2010 showed there were 4 times as many dog bite-related visits and 3 times as many hospital stays in rural areas than in urban areas” (Holquist 1). Recently, however, an attack occurred this past summer in Ste. Genevieve, which only now awakened precaution. The town has been having problems with all dog owners, but especially pit bull owners, in regards to keeping them contained. While it is common knowledge that keeping one’s dog contained whether it be on a leash or on the owner's property is the law, many do not abide by this law because they believe that their dog would never harm anyone. While the town considered adopting a sort of BSL law, they decided to keep the laws as they are even though it has been prove to be ineffective. People forget that when dealing with legislation regarding dogs or animals that it is a very sensitive subject and people have immense emotional attachments with their pets. THis makes it more difficult for these laws to be