By: Amy O’Halloran
Course: Com/156 University Composition and Communication II
Due: October, 19, 2013
Instructor: Michael Cooper
Owning a dog that is a Pit-Bull breed carries a preconceived perception that it is a dangerous dog, thus causing issues when searching for a residence to occupy. This should not be justifiable enough to disallow being covered under renters insurance. Owning pit-bull breeds are even illegal in some areas. Each dog is only as well trained as the owner it has been raised with and the preconceived bias against this breed should be reconsidered. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is defined as a law or statute that equates the qualities of a dangerous dog with a certain breed, and bans or restricts certain breeds based on identity, not behavior of a specific animal (Weiss, 2001). This type of legislation does not make concessions for those members of …show more content…
Cunningham, L.: University of Connecticut School of Law. (2004).The case against dog breed discrimination by homeowner’s insurance companies.
2. Dell, M.: The Orange, C. R. (1998, Mar 26). Prejudice against pit-bulls is understandable but unfair to the breed. Orange County Register. retrieved from .
3. Fudge.N. : Infomart, a division of Post Media Network Inc. (2000) Pit bulls can be gentle, loving pets. Retrived from
4. Koidhis, T. (2011, Mar 15). Gone to the dogs. (second in a series); on "vicious dogs". Slave River Journal. Retrieved from
5. Weiss, L. (2001). Breed-specific legislation in the United States. Michigan State University College of Law.Animal Legal and Historical Web Center. Retrieved from