Strategic marketing plays a significant role in today’s competitive environment. Strategic marketing can help to distinguish the company from its competitors. Proper planning and implementation of strategy can provide advantage over other companies. According to Johnson & Whittington (2008), strategy is a long term planning of the company, think of the near of distant future where the company wants to be and what it wants to achieve. Its direction and scope helps exploit companies’ available resources in the best possible manner helping it to achieve advantage over others and fulfil stakeholders’ expectation. According to Henderson (sited at Marketing news 1982) strategy works as a “system” which looks after internal activities of the organisation in order to attain good external performance of the company. From this it can be said that to achieve long term Goals Company uses strategic planning. It can also help company to gain edge over other in the long run.
Marketing strategy is an attempt to develop effective solutions for the changes that occur in market. It identifies segments of the market, develops it and places product right in the market which is targeted (Hooley, saunders, 2008). According to Webster “The successful organization of the future will be customer-focused, not product or technology focused, supported by market information competence that links the voice of the customer to all the firms value delivery process” (Hooley, saunders, 2008).
Saunders and Webster have different view about strategic marketing where Saunder stresses more on developing solutions to changes happening in market by identifying segments and placing product.
Importance of marketing strategies
According to Henderson(cited at Marketing news 1982) there is a lot of difference between an organisation which is making good profit and an organisation which is running in loss and also an organisation which is try to survive. Every organisation has limited
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