Brynn greets the client in a polite and a professional tone. She does a great job recapping the client's concerns to ensure she understands with clarity.
Dead air/ Hold/ Proper foreshadow- ( 1:46- 2:25) At this time, Brynn sets the expectations that she will look into MSQ file for the fund info, however, consider setting the proper expectations of your silence or just place the client on hold. By properly foreshadowing silence you can inform the client, you are still on the line, it will take a moment to access the info needed to address the issue. Or if you need more than 30 seconds to review information, it is best to place the client on hold to review.
Actively listening- ( 1:19 - 1:29) At this time the client states she was expecting to receive funds for the deposit and the lender credit $1600. Brynn began to address the loan proceeds. This would be a good opportunity to dig deeper and go over the HUD statement with the client to explain how all the funds were applied.
Empathy- (1:29) (3:49) (8:04) Brynn offered empathy to the client, during the conference call to TSI and for misunderstanding of the issue the funds the client was referring to ( deposit and lender credit). However, when addressing the issue with the client directly, there were a few missed opportunities to provide empathy to the client. …show more content…
Prior to transferring the call, Brynn should dig deeper to gain more knowledge about the expectations that were set for the client and acknowledge the amount that the client is referencing from here, Brynn would be able to explain the actual process in regard to the funds being applied to the closing costs and perhaps BL internally for any coaching opportunities. Was there a need for the client to speak with the BL team? Based on LJN in AMP, BL rep set the proper expectations how the funds were applied, no call pulled, no research