Hanson’s piece takes a very extreme stance of looming disaster and society collapse for America as he writes using a negative thinking trap, appealing to fear. 3 The article capitalizes on America’s fear of unfunded …show more content…
This mindset and argument are a critical thinking shortcoming; False Dichotomy. 4 Hanson does not leverage any critically thinking skills and lacks any creativity in the identification of other possibilities or outcomes of the defense cuts. His arguments and portrayal of America’s future are focused on the “decline of civilizations of the past,” implying that this will happen to America. 1 He indicates that America and the collapse of another civilization would be “not caused by their spending too much money on defense or not spending enough on public entitlements. Rather, their expanding governments redistributed more borrowed money, while a dependent citizenry wanted even fewer soldiers to guarantee ever more handouts”. 1 Hanson does not argue, consider or leverage critical thinking to offer any other possible alternatives to the budget cuts.
In conclusion, Hanson’s narrow-minded view on what the defense cutbacks would do to the fabric of America did not leverage any clear critical thinking or “rationally-based tools that usually leads to a practical decision.”. 2 His summary clearly demonstrates his inability to leverage critical thinking, appealing to his readers fear and a presenting a false dichotomy. “History’s bleak lesson is that those societies with self-reliant citizens who protect themselves and their interests prosper; those who grow dependent cut back their defenses - and waste away.”