Did I deserve credit for the team assignment even though I didn’t do any work?
Question 2:
Do I tell the team it was my fault I missed the team meeting, because I didn’t mark my calendar?
Question 3:
Should I tell my team I’m obviously not good at time management because I had another project due on the same day as my team project?
Question 4:
Should I tell my friend that the skills she explained on the application she will really need them, and not just need them to get the job?
Question 5:
Should I tell my team I was ignoring there inquires to contact me because I didn’t get my part the team project done?
The reason I choose these questions is because they fit the answers I would be asking myself if I was in these specified predicaments. Question one for example my team completed the project not me, but they were courteous enough to give me credit, because I lied about my computer problems. This made my team work harder, because my team had to do my part of the work this is wrong in my book and the truth should be told or I’m really going to be feeling guilty which could affect my work. These questions that were chosen all have the same meaning don’t lie to make things harder on your team, and easier on yourself it could hurt future assignments with your team or employment because it’s going to backfire when you really need them and the skills.
Writing these answers to the specified questions I followed the unsuccessful student behavior process that I did in class. The story that was read is indeed unsuccessful student behavior, and this falls in categories we went over including social responsibility, flexibility and one I added time management. Social responsibility is crucial in the team work setting, because I didn’t communicate with my team it was my responsibility for me to tell them the truth now if I tell them the truth after they turn the assignment in with my name there is going to be trust issue with my team and me in the