This is a 2007 American drama-comedy directed by Rob Reiner and starring Morgan Freeman as Carter Chambers and Jack Nicholson as Edward Cole. The movie shows Freeman as a blue collar mechanic meets Nicholson, a billionaire in a hospital after both of them have been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. At first Nicholson’s character does not take too well to Freeman, being unwilling to share a room with him, but soon they both become friends as they undergo treatments. While Carter is a gifted amateur historian who wanted to become a history professor in his youth, but could not due to his race and finances, Edward is a four-time divorced health-care tycoon and loner who enjoys tormenting his personal valet.
The plot unfolds as Carter begins to write a “bucket list “or things he wants to before he dies. After hearing that he has less than a year to live, Carter discards the list, but when Edward finds it, he encourages Carter to do everything on the list, adding a few of his own. With Edward’s finances, they both begin an around-the-world vacation where they skydive, visit the Taj Mahal in India, the Great Wall of China, North Pole, Paris and the Great Pyraminds in Egypt. They talk and confide about family and relationships and the audience finds that Carter has been feeling disconnected with his wife while Edward has a broken relationship with his daughter. Upon Edward hiring a prostitute for Carter, Carter realizes how much he loves his wife and wishes to go home. On the way back, Carter helps Edward get back in touch with his daughter, which goes unsuccessful, leaving Edward angry. Carter spends his last time alone with his family before he has a seizure and is rushed to the hospital where Edward comes to see him for the last time and Carter urges Edward to finish the list without him. The epilogue shows Edward’s assistant placing cans of ashes of Edward and Carter in the mountains of the Himalayas, while Freeman’s voice narrating how much