Research Critique of "The Influence of Personal Message with
Music on Anxiety and Side Effects Associated with Chemotherapy"
Jennifer Robey BSN
Duke University
N 307 Spring 2005 Research Critique 2
Research Critique of "The Influence of Personal Message with
Music on Anxiety and Side Effects Associated with Chemotherapy"
The introduction of this article does give you a sense of the importance of the problem area. The area being talked about in this article is how fear and anxiety can negatively impact a patient receiving chemotherapy. The authors then go on to say that relaxation techniques can be used to decrease a patient’s anxiety level, however the techniques being used in current practice are costly and take a lot of nursing care time. The introduction ends with the problem statement. While the authors do a good job of saying why the problem is important, it would have been helpful for them to list numbers of people who are affected by cancer and who are undergoing chemotherapy. The authors also do not state whether the problem is true for anybody with cancer who is getting chemotherapy or if it is only true for particular subsets of patients.
Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study “was to evaluate the benefits of an intervention that did not require excessive time commitments from staff or patient or administration by a trained expert and was not accompanied by a significant increase in cost.” (Sabo &
Michael, 1996) While the authors do list a purpose for the study they do not have a well-defined problem statement. They do say that a message from the physician would be beneficial, but they do not say how it would be beneficial. They make no mention of Research Critique 3 the other variable that they are testing which is the use of music. The problem is significant and relevant because the
References: Sabo, C. E., & Michael, S. R. (1996). The Influence of Personal Message with Music on Anxiety and Side Effects Associated with Chemotherapy. Cancer Nursing, 19(4), 283-289.