Olympian gods came to existence when Gaea, Chaos, and Eros slept with each other, resulting in Erebos, Night, Uranus, and Oceanus. Cronus came from Uranus, and Zeus came from Cronus. Uranus, deemed first ruler of the Earth and gods, hid his sons in his wife, Gaea. Displeased and wanting to help her children, Gaea gave Cronus a sickle. Soon, he overthrew his father and succeeded him in throne. Identical to his father, Cronus grew to be a tyrant and attempted to swallow all his children in fear of his throne being taken away. Cronus’s wife and sister, Rhea, saved Zeus by tricking him into swallowing a rock instead of her son. Cronus was slain by his son after years of hiding. Zeus quickly assumed his rightful place as leader of gods (“The …show more content…
He is the brother of Zeus and Hades, the two most powerful gods. He has experience, strength, and courage. An impeccable ruler. In contrast, he has a few unkindly features. Poseidon is ill-tempered and unpredictable (“Poseidon”). He once placed King Minos’s wife, Pasiphae, under a curse. Minos promised to sacrifice a bull that he asked Poseidon to send from the sea. Poseidon did send the bull, but Minos adored it too much to sacrifice it. Poseidon asked Aphrodite, the Goddess of love, to make the queen fall in love with the bull. The result was the Minotaur, a monstrous creature that is half man and half bull (Regula). Poseidon had a foolish reason to cast the curse. He did it because one of his animals was spared. Because someone did not want to slaughter. Poseidon’s justification is unreasonable. Pasiphae’s story is just one of the many unpredictable events Poseidon has committed. Artemis, on the other hand, would have thought carefully about her choices and would have rewarded Minos. She always has great reason behind her chosen paths. She would choose for loyalty. For protection. For honor. Artemis would be a far better president than Poseidon, who would just end up being a