It also has ability to study multiple outcome and exposures it prevalence of a disease or any other health related characteristics are very important, to public health for helping to assess the burden that involves in a disease of an specified (Burchell, 2007) population and also with planning as well as allowing casting the health resources. The last strength of cross sectional study is that it good for use of descriptive analyses and help to generating hypotheses, the weaknesses of cross sectional studies that is very difficult to help determine whether are not an outcome will or has followed an exposure in a timely manner. Or if the exposure had resulted from an outcome another weakness of cross sectional studies is that it not suitable for studying any kind of rare disease, or disease within a short period of time another weakness is even thou cross sectional studies dose measure the
It also has ability to study multiple outcome and exposures it prevalence of a disease or any other health related characteristics are very important, to public health for helping to assess the burden that involves in a disease of an specified (Burchell, 2007) population and also with planning as well as allowing casting the health resources. The last strength of cross sectional study is that it good for use of descriptive analyses and help to generating hypotheses, the weaknesses of cross sectional studies that is very difficult to help determine whether are not an outcome will or has followed an exposure in a timely manner. Or if the exposure had resulted from an outcome another weakness of cross sectional studies is that it not suitable for studying any kind of rare disease, or disease within a short period of time another weakness is even thou cross sectional studies dose measure the