I chose master of public health program, because its a complementary to my medical field, I will be professional in educating my patients, how to prevent diseases, and advising the patients to do a routine screening such as a pap smear, colonoscopy, mammogram, and other screening tests.
Throughout my study in master of public health field, I studied biostatics, epidemiology and method of research courses, I learned how to conduct research, using statistical and epidemiologic analysis.
I understand the role of the research process in advancing the mission of public health, I can formulate a health-related research question and design a basic study to …show more content…
diversity and the healthcare disparities.
From public health system course, I learned that health program evaluation is the one of the ten essentials of public health services, I have an idea on how to evaluate healthcare-associated infections prevention.
From health education and promotion course, I have an idea how to create and deliver health education presentation, choosing an important health issue that affects the population I created a presentation on tobacco use, the presentation was consisted of many images and graphics, those images were showing the cigarette contents, smoking consequences on the people’s health, and graphics were showing the morbidity and mortality rates due to smoking, using the images and graphics are more attractive to the audience to get better