English 102
24th March 2013 Crude Oil use
What can we do to use crude oil efficiently but reduce the negative effects it has on the environment? For over three hundred million years, right before our existence, Oil has been around. Right from when the earth was covered in big, huge trees and extensive vegetation; crude oil has been around and can be found in Pools of deposits inside the sedimentary rocks beneath the earth surface, after all crude oil is decayed vegetable matter. There is a saying, “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Using oil is very toxic to both human and animals; it causes air pollution due to its incomplete combustion and the main source of this is exhaust pipes in cars. If spilled into the ocean, it can kill millions of fishes and damage the surrounding environment. It causes acid rain because of its high temperatures that reacts with the nitrogen in the air. We are looking for ways to end our environmental problems but still partake in activities that contribute to these problems. Reducing the amount of crude oil we consume on a day-to-day basis can potentially lower the danger we might face in the future. Analysts and scientist have calculated that in a couple of decades we would run out of oil. The price of oil is rising every year and doesn’t seem to be lowering anytime soon. America is dependent on the Middle East for about 80% of its oil imports. This gives the Middle East control of the oil market and very well determines the price of oil in America and in other countries that heavily depend on them for oil supply. There is an estimated 1.3 trillion barrels of oil left in the planets core oil fields, which would only sustain us for about another 40 years or more if we were fortunate. In 2040, the level of oil production would be as low as 15 million barrels per day, which is not good because by then the world’s population is going to be double the amount today, which means that the
Cited: Journal Title: Hartford Business Date: January 30, 2013 Title of site: Institute Of Mechanical Engineers Date of access: March 11, 2013 Title of Site: Fossil Fuel Date of access: March 11, 2013 Title of Site: Renewable Solar Energy Date of access: March 11, 2013 Title of Site: Buzzle Date of access: March 11, 2013 Title of site: Michigan Radio Date of access: March 20, 2013 Date of access: March 24, 2013 URL: http://www.altenergy.org/renewables/renewables.html