2. 2. I believe that the world oil peak production is almost at its peak now. I think within the next 3 to 10 years it will be. I think we should all leave oil before it leaves us.
3. If I was a part of a team of exploration geologists looking for cooper deposits, I would focus my search on Chile and United States is the top two spots to find copper. Arizona, Utah and New Mexico is the top three in United States.
4. I believe that we will have both population problem and a resource problem in the near future. We have over 300 million people living in United States and this including the immigrants that we do not know that is over here. We will have a
5. It makes you think and worry about how you are going to get natural resources because the supply is running thin and soon we will be limited on all the resources because of the high demand in this country let alone the whole