1 3 Examples of Foreshadowing in the First Chapter 1. If Snap had gone with us that night, as he wanted to, I should have never come into the peril of death, and this story would never have been told. (Page 15, Paragraph 2) 2. Nothing should have happened that night. (Page 16, Paragraph 3) 3. I never thought as I jumped the beck and went up to our house that it would be many a long day until I did see it again. (Page 24, Paragraph 2)
2 10 Elements (Chapters 67) that Suggest that Kit’s a Girl 1. Interrupted the boy, and dropped Desmond a curtsy that wouldn’t have disgraced the
Queen’s waitingwomen. (Page 67, Paragraph 4) 2. There was something just a bit soft and girlish about him (Page 69, Paragraph 4) 3. He really looked like a woman when he was dressed for the part (Page 70, Paragraph 3) 4. He had everything the walk, the head tossing, the eye play, the hand movements (Page
70, Paragraph 4) 5. He pulled off all the gestures that I had to be taught, slowly and patiently, because I had never observed them in real life from the women around me. (Page 70, Paragraph 4) 6. “Not like that no woman in the world ever did it that way.” Kit turned on him, scarlet faced, hands on hips: “I know perfectly well how to do it!” he retorted. (Page 71,
Paragraph 2) 7. “I had five sisters at home, and I’ve studied them, and imitated them…” (Page 71,
Paragraph 3)
8. He was a queer lad. His clothes were poor and fitted badly. (Page 71, Paragraph 5) 9. When Kit made some notes on the margin of his play script, he wrote a hand that would have rejoiced my master at Keswick. He had the speech and manners of a gentleman.
(Page 72, Paragraph 1) 10. Kit wouldn’t join our swimming parties even on the hottest day, and I guessed it was because he couldn’t swim or was afraid. (Page 75, Paragraph 2) 3 Chapter 6 from Kit and Peter’s Point of View Katherine Russell: It was early morning and the dawn had