Differently than most civilizations in Latin America, the Brazilian society has some unique aspects that were formed as a result of a very singular colonization process performed by the Portuguese. The lack of political interest, social inequality between the black population and the white population, the feeling of individualism that prevails on our so called “jeitinho brasileiro” (Brazilian way), are all cultural traces left by a colonization process that was basically only looking forward to take all the benefits the country could provide without an intention of actually developing the country properly. Cycles of extractivism such as the commercialization of Brazilian wood (pau brasil), sugar cane, gold and rubber shows us the real intentions of Portugal behind the colonization. Moreover, the greatly developed slavery market – that lasted almost 400 years, beginning with the Indians and later the blacks from Africa, with a total of almost 3 million slaves being brought to Brazil – also helped to define our social and physical traits, with a virtual abolitional process “for the English man to see” that helped with the perpetuation of the black population on poorer classes and by giving the color miscegenation that is so characteristic in Brazil, originating the mulatto.
The objective of this essay is to enlighten the reader on how some of the particular characteristics of this process influenced directly on the formation of the Brazilian character present up until the present days on our society.
Ever since the beginning of Brazil 's history, contradictions have been present. First, it can be said that Brazil had not been discovered as it is mentioned often, but conquered by the Portuguese. The meeting of these two cultures (Europeans versus the indigenous peoples of the Americas) resulted in a confrontation that led to the establishment of the Europeans in detriment of the locals. The natives lived in
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