Abstract 2
1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 The study background 4 1.3 The Problem Statement 4 1.4 Aims and Objectives 6 1.4.1 Objectives 6 1.5 Scope and limitations 6 1.6 Significance of the Study 6 1.7 Conclusion 7
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review 8
2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Literature Review 8 2.3 Definition of culture 9 2.4 Cultural theory 11 2.4.1 Cultural fit 11 2.5 Acculturation 12 2.5.1 Modes of Acculturation 13 2.5.2 Models of Acculturation 16 2.6 Cultural Assimilation 17 2.6.1 Cultural differences and Challenges 18 2.6.2 Direct effects of diversity 20 2.6.3 Cultural and attitudinal diversity 21 2.7 Organizational culture 24 2.7.1 Subcultures 31 2.7.2 Organizational climate and change 32 2.7.3 Corporate Culture and Strategy 36 2.8 Culture Management 37 2.9 Different types of organizational cultures 38 2.10 Classifying elements of organizational culture 39 2.11 Perspectives of organizational culture 43 2.12 Models of organizational culture 46 2.13 The multicultural organization 48 2.13.1 Characteristics of a multicultural organization 48 2.14 Conclusion 48
CHAPTER THREE: Methodology 50
3.1 Introduction 50 3.2 Methodology 50 3.3 Target population 51 3.4 Sampling Method 52 3.5 Data collection 53 3.6 Research Instruments 53 3.7 Data analysis 55 3.8 Conclusion 55
4.1 Introduction 56 4.2 Section A 56 Personal information 56 4.3 Section B (Management) 57 4.4 Section B (Employees) 60 4.5 General Comments 64
5.1 Introduction 65 5.2 Summary of the study 65 5.3 Findings 67 5.4 Recommendations 68 5.5 Conclusion 68
6. References 69
7. Questionnaires 74
7.1 Management 74 7.2 Employees 80
The study examined the impact of cultural assimilation in business. The aim of the study was to
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