Cultural Competence in Counseling Latinos A counselor must understand how one’s own cultural differences and worldviews impact the counseling relationship. This paper will examine how I am culturally different from my client and how I would demonstrate cultural competence. Furthermore, I will describe how I can improve my cultural competence with the client.
Clients Background Information My client, Alberto, is a 47-year-old Mexican American who has been married to his wife, Angela, for 27 years and has four children. Alberto lost his job and their savings is limited. Angela desires to work to help provide for the family. Alberto refuses to allow his wife to work. Both seek counseling, primarily because their priest has recommended them to do so. Alberto displays resistance to counseling because he believes it is a waste of time.
Cultural Differences Counselors need to be mindful of how their own worldviews, biases, and prejudices impact the counseling relationship. By examining the Latino culture and comparing it to my own enables me to be aware of the differences and prevent me from judging and influencing my cultural …show more content…
This is the case for Alberto and Angela. Alberto’s unemployment is causing strain for the family in terms of financial burden and emotional distress. Challenging the father, or machismo, opposed their traditional values. Avila and Avila (1995) and Constantine, Gloria and Baron (2006), noted that traditional Latino men struggle with gender role conflict when experiencing: (1) lack of confidence in areas of authority, (2) feelings of isolation and depression because of the need to be strong, and (3) conflicts over the need to be consistent in his role (as cited in Sue & Sue, 2013, p.413). Alberto’s openness to seek counseling is limited. In the Latino culture, counseling can be viewed as weak (Sue & Sue,