Cultural Competency in Nursing Practice
Diana Oestreich
The College of St. Scholastica
Culturally Competent Care
The nursing profession continues to walk towards excellence in cultural competent delivery of current healthcare needs. In the pursuit of excellence and the love of learning, there are always improvements to be made. Continuing education requirements are the backbone of building nurses into life long learners. Identifying personal areas of growth are an effective mode of continuing to add to existing nursing skills. In this paper, I will identify areas of improvement that I would like to make in my cultural competency skills. I have self identified these areas through completing a tool called the Ccultural Ccompetence Sstudent Sself-rating Aassessment. By utilizing this self-assessment tool, I will target weaknesses in my cultural competence skill set and create a plan to increase my proficiency in those targeted areas. Good introduction.
“Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a person 's learned, accumulated experience which is socially transmitted behavior through social learning” (Hill, 2012, p. 84). The definition of culture sums up the uniqueness of each patient and each nurse as we are living within a communal experience. The self-assessment tool specifically was evaluating my personal level of culturally competent care giving abilities. Cultural competent care is a complicated integration of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that enhance cross-cultural communications in appropriate and effective interactions according to Kelly, in the book, Nursing Leadership and Mmanagement (2011, p. 591). I would like to intervene consistently when I observe other staff engaging in culturally insensitive behavior or reflecting prejudice. This is something I do not do currently.
References: Hill, C., (2012). The micro cultural context. Retrieved from data/24763_Ch3.pdf) . Jungeblut A, Jenkins L, Kirsch I, Kolstad A. (1993). Adult literacy in America. Retrieved from Kelley, P. (2012). Nursing leadership and management. ( 3rd ed.) Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.