::: DawnWilliams: 6 November 2012 | Ha Luong HangCultural Differences and People ManagementBIBU602 |
What do you understand by the term ‘national culture’? And why do you think that French (2010:44) argues that ‘Culture remains a core concept both for students of business and managers in work organisations’?
Abstract: The aim of this essay explains my knowledge and understanding about the term ’national culture’ and introduces the differences mentioned by the theorists such as, Hofstede, Trompenaars in the study as well as analyses a content that both business students and organisational managers in work should consider culture as a main notion which was argued by French, R. (2010). Illustrating from the book, websites and my own experience.
Up to now, culture still plays a vital part in almost all countries. It is really important for people to have a deep understanding about their own culture so that they can maintain their invaluable national values. Before studying the term ‘national culture’, we need to know what culture actually means and how many factors contributing culture. In fact, social scientists defined culture as a set-up of features of descriptors that distinguish radicals in a meaningful way. According to Baldwin,. el al., ( 2006) a main concept of social science or humanity studies is culture and its importance also spreading to other subjects like art, geography, architecture, leisure studies, etc. In another case, a prominent organizational scholar Geert Hofstede in French (2010, p89) said that culture is considered as “the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another... Culture, in this sense, includes systems of values; and values are among the building blocks of culture”. Yet another scholarly definition is offered by Alvesson (2002) who described culture as