Difference between America and Mongolia All people are similar to each other by physically; eventhough, we are different from each other by where you born. Indeed, the US and Mongolia are located far from each other ; they have many similarities. For example, both US and Mongolia have huge land and many varies of climate and landscape. Due to large size, varies across the large country from tropical beaches to Alaska while Mongolia have many different places from Gobi desert to peaks in the Altai Mountain. In contrast, because of the culture and geographic position, they are very different from each other in many ways. From those many disdissimilarities, there are 2 significant contrasts for especially someone …show more content…
Because of this reason, food culture difference is one of the major distinctions. The cuisine of the US, as a nation formed of immigrants from varied backgrounds, closely resembles the history of its people. Therefore, American food is melting pot, so there are thousands of types of cuisine are mixing with each other's, and a lot of different choices in everywhere. However, according to the ABC news, the most common American breakfast is usually based on a cold sereal or eggs and pan cake (with or without bacon or ham). Another interesting thing is most Americans prefer cold drinks with any meal. Water with ice and any cold sodas are the most popular. On the countrary, Mongolian food culture hasn't shaped any other culture for a long time. In last 15 years, other countries', such as Korean, Japenese, Italian, and French, cuisine has been comming through Mongolian food culture, but Mongolian food didn't mix. It is still exactly same as hundreds years before as making steps and ingredients. Most important thing is people can easily understand Mongolian tradition through the Mongolian cuisine. The food culture of Mongolia is still independantly existing. In contrast, While cerial and eggs are common breakfast in the US, a few bread slices with butter and sugar is the most famous breakfast in Mongolia. Surprisingly, one clear and unique food in Mongolia is hot milk tea. Many Mongolians like …show more content…
Especially, the US and Mongolia are located different continents ( North America and Asia) so lots of things are totally not simmilar. From those many things, people who are go to the US from Mongolia or go to Mongolia from the US should research about not just only simple differences. Mainly, they out to give attention to the measurement system difference and how the food culture has been developed. Because, these two small topics might lead you to until people seatlle down. For example, when you landed, you have to use map and it will show you distance by what is lenthg unit at the place. If you do not have any knowledge, you will feel uncomfortable. Second, the cuisine history and receipe can help you to understand culture values. As a result, people who are traveling abroad should learn about the culture and help themselves to make feel better for them