Americans and people from other countries. Misunderstandings frequently result from cultural differences which lead to ineffective communication and implications for the healthcare system
(Kaakinen, Gedaly-Duff, Coehlo, & Harmon Hansen, 2010). In order to provide a culturally competent care, a health care professional needs to know about the life ways of various cultures and their values and meanings which govern behavior. Population trends within the United States are increasingly characterized by diversity of people, languages, and culture. Russian –born immigrants account 2.04 percent of the US population(American Association for Russian
Language, Culture and Education, 2011). I am one of those immigrants who encounters the
American healthcare system as a consumer and a healthcare professional. Home healthcare agency where I am employed as a registered nurse and an interpreter provides care and services to elderly Russian people who do not speak English and exhibit a very strong preference for in- culture and in-language communications. Russia is a multinational country inhabited by representatives of more than a hundred nationalities and ethnic groups. Every nationality exhibits unique customs and behaviors. While identifying as Russian, each person has a strong sense of regional cultural identity. The region where the person lived will impact on the person’s preferences related to such things as language, communication styles, diet, customs and beliefs. The official language of Russia is Russian. In the multicultural regions non-Russian residents are generally bilingual: they speak both their mother tongue and Russian. Many schools in Russia