P2, P3, M1
The aim of this booklet, is to describe how discrimination in a health and social care setting can occur. Discrimination, means unfair or less favourable treatment of a person or group of people in comparison to others.
In this booklet, I will give information on the basis, and discriminatory practices of certain people and social groups and how they can be affected by it.
A culture that a person follows identifies them as who they are, and it is very important to them. It is usually developed in the social group that they are brought up in.
In health and social care, respect of a person’s culture is important for the person, as it is a creation of understanding …show more content…
and and support. It endorses their well-being and can help their health. But it is also important that healthcare professionals also see the bases and benefits of their care values which is paramount in respecting a person’s culture.
An example of discrimination of culture in health and social care is by not providing halal for muslims or kosher food for those of the jewish faith. However, a health and social care professional may not adhere to certain cultural rituals following a death of a patient.
In a health and social care setting it’s unlawful to discriminate against anyone who has a disability. This is covered by the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). This particular act covers employment, access to goods, facilities, and services of organisations, education, buying and renting a property and transport services, There also has to be full accessibility for any person who has a disability.
An example of disability discrimination in health and social care, is a person who is in a wheelchair may need to be weighed. Due to the layout of the building, the service user is unable to gain access to the room containing the specialist scales due to the narrowness of corridors. (this is an issue I’ve actually experienced!) The patient’s carer then has to place themselves and the patient in physical danger to have to lift and manhandle them into the room.
Another example is when someone is passed over for promotion, despite the fact that they could be more experienced and more qualified than the able bodied person who gets the job in their place.
Age discrimination is when someone is treated unfavourably because of their age. An example of this in health and social care is when an older person is refused certain drugs which could help preserve life, but because of their age it’s not seen as being value for money. On a health and social care practitioner level, an example could be that two nurses, maybe one in their twenties and another in their late fifties apply for the same job. Both nurses are equally qualified. The younger nurse gets the job over the older nurse because the older nurse is closer to retirement age, and also the perception that the younger nurse would be easier to manipulate and mould into the ways and methods employed by the health trust.
Social Class
Discrimination of social class can be apparent from the place we live or come from. The perception is the more desirable a place is, the better it will be kept and maintained. An example of this would be someone of a higher status saying that people who are poor are more likely to get cancer than those who are rich.
On a professional level, discrimination can be when doctors look down on the nurses or lower level staff. This is particularly seen regularly from junior doctors. Who are of the opinion that they ‘know it all’ and have a tendency to disregard advice and opinions from even the most senior nurses.
Sexual orientation refers to people who are attracted to their own sex (gay and lesbian) the opposite sex (heterosexual) or both sexes (bisexual)
An example of this type of discrimination in health and social care could be that heterosexual couples may be able to share a bedroom in a care home, whereas a homosexual couple may be denied.
Another example on a health and social care level, could be that a patient may refuse to be treated by someone who appears to be openly gay even though they may not be, due to the patient’s homophobic feelings.
Effects of Discrimination and Discriminatory Practice
Diversity isn’t always welcome in society, difference can frighten some people which can turn into the view of ‘them’ or ‘us’. Because of this, it can end up as unfair treatment or discrimination against those people who differ from the majority.
Here are two forms of discrimination which has recognition under UK law.
• Unfair discrimination that is obvious and intentional. This is overt use of power. An example would be a white care professional refusing to care for black people.
• Unfair discrimination that happens in a hidden fashion is covert use of power. Every day procedures or rules can result in certain people/groups being excluded who aren’t able to comply with these. An example of this is when a club in a hall that has steps leading into it, a person who is physically disabled may not be able to gain access. But, the club doesn’t state that no wheelchair users are allowed, as this would be then direct discrimination, but the impracticality of the building will prevent physically disabled people attending.
Prejudice, is at the very heart of discrimination. Prejudice is a rigid set of attitudes …show more content…
or beliefs against certain groups of people. The attitudes are usually of a negative nature but not always. However, some examples of prejudice are:
• Name calling, this could be because of differences in skin colour
• Assuming that people are less intelligent, less able or abnormal. This can be related to the junior doctors looking down on nurses and lower level staff as mentioned earlier.
• That a person may be wrong or unnatural rather than just being that bit different from the norm. e.g gothic subculture.
Stereotyping, is an oversimplified, generalised set of ideas that we have about others. For example: •
All people who are Italian eat pizza or pasta
That a teenager wearing a hoody is looking for trouble
All elderly people walk with a stick
That people who read broadsheet newspapers are intelligent.
The effects of the above can have negative impacts on people. They could feel:
• Marginalised - This is when people do not feel they are not part of society for example, if there was no prayer room in a hospital a service user could feel disconnected from his faith and religion.
• Disempowerment - This when people are discriminated against by other powerful groups for example, an elderly person may be told that she is useless. This can make the person begin to feel depressed and devalued. If no action is taken, this could lead to more health issues.
• Low self-esteem and Self Identity - Low self esteem is somebody’s overall value of themselves. In this case, the person may feel like they’re worth nothing or being a burden. For example, if a service user needed to be be changed/cleaned and the person was being called a ‘dirty person’ this would upset and embarrass the service user and will make them depressed and worthless. A person who has low self esteem will experience a negative self
• Restricted Opportunities - Discrimination of all types could lead to a person not wanting to use health and social care facilities. This in turn can lead to their health being poorer. This discrimination may be by individuals, organisations and the government. An example would be a service user may want to move ward but someone of a different race may get priority.
• Negative Behaviours - People living in poverty can become extremely stressed and can become frustrated and aggressive because of it. This can then snowball towards health and social care staff and they can be verbally abused or attacked. Another example is a drug user may become aggressive as he can’t get his next fix. He could become angry and lose his temper which can be dangerous to all those involved in his care.
Loss of Rights
Organisations have to adhere with the Human Rights Act. However, there are times when the act can be used in other ways. This could be the use of Statutory Powers and cases of a person’s rights being removed through the use of power and force.
Statutory powers for example are used when a child has to be taken away from abusive parents. Though the parent’s rights are being affected, the child’s right to their safety and well-being is paramount. Even if the parent’s object, it takes precedence.
Sometimes, a person’s rights are taken away from them by power or force. For example, someone who has psychiatric issues may be detained under the Mental Health Act (1983) an example of this is the murderer Ian Brady,who is detained in a psychiatric unit, he refused food. Because he is detained under the Mental Health Act (1983) medical staff are allowed to forcibly feed him. So therefore, his rights have been overridden.
Assessing Effects Of Three Different Discriminatory Practices
When a secret camera was set up by his concerned mother and father it captured a care worker hitting their disabled teenager on the back of the head and calling him ‘stupid’.
Stanley Nkenka was caught abusing teenager Zak Rowlands, 19, after his concerned parents set up the hidden camera in his bedroom in Oxen Barn Residential Home in
Leyland, Lancashire, because he had started flinching when people came near him. His parent 's Paul and Julie’s fears were confirmed when they watched the footage and saw their son being hit on the back of his head as he was put to bed before the teenager was left sobbing on his own in the darkness.
This discriminatory practice is bullying. Zak could not defend himself from the abuse, this would have made him feel frightened, helpless and worthless.
Zak’s father said 'Seeing that man do this to my son sent a chill down my spine. 'I felt guilt that I wasn 't there for Zak when he needed me most. '
He also said that he felt heartbroken, sick and guilty for putting his son in this particular home and situation.
This in turn had a negative impact on Zak’s parent’s as they feel they are to blame.
Discriminatory Practice 2
One 84-year-old lady told how her doctor had been treating her for angina for years.
Two years ago, she had an appointment to have an operation on a bunion on her big toe.
However, because of the angina, they sent her for a heart scan.
They found that it was not angina, but actually a leaky valve. She asked if she could have this fixed and the doctors said: 'What are you bothered about, at your age? '
She stuck to her guns and said she wanted the job done. At long last, she has managed to get an appointment but the whole experience made her feel pushed aside.
This is an example of age discrimination. If she hadn’t have been so assertive the operation wouldn’t have been done. But she still felt like she was being devalued.
Discriminatory Practice 3
In one case, Emma Kemp, 26, had a learning disability and was diagnosed with cancer.
Her mother Jane was told Emma had a 50% chance of survival with treatment, but the hospital staff were worried it would be difficult to treat her because of her learning disability. Emma 's doctors decided not to treat her, saying that she would not co-operate with treatment.
Her mother eventually agreed that palliative care would be appropriate.
Emma’s mother said that Emma was a fun-loving young woman who loved her life and all of the people in it. and that she was denied her chance of life by doctors who discriminated against her. One doctor actually said: 'If she was a normal young woman we would not hesitate to treat her '.
When she agreed that Emma should only receive palliative care treatment, she did so because she was then told that Emma only had a 10% chance of survival and that it would be cruel to treat her. She then found out that this was not true, she was misled into agreeing with the decision that cost her daughter her life.
This is disability discrimination
Sometimes health professionals see the disability, rather than the patient or their underlying condition.
As you see, discrimination does happen in health and social care settings. It can cause a myriad of problems and can make service users, feel worthless and devalued, it can also have financial implications for health care trusts and care homes as people who are being discriminated against can take legal action and get compensation, therefore increasing financial spend.
Stretch, B. and Whitehouse, M. (2010) Health and Social Care Book 1 Level 3, Essex:
Pearson Education Limited
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