Infringement of rights: when we are exploring discriminatory practise it is important to recognise that we are referring to its breach of an individual's rights. All individuals have an entitlement to have their rights respected acknowledged and followed.
Covert and Overt Abuse of Power: Hidden and open abuse, Using and abusing power and authority to discriminate against individuals.
Stereotyping- when assumptions are made about groups based on information relating to just a small number of people. As a result individuals might have labels applied to them.
Abuse-all forms of discrimination are considered a form of abuse, whether this is bullying denying someone choice or applying labels.
Labelling- labelling people is usually carried out by those who hold power. These are usually negative and place individuals outside social groups.
Why is equality, diversity and rights important in a health and social setting
Equality in a health and social setting allows the care service users and the service provides the right to be treated with the same amount of respect and dignity. In a health care setting like a care home due to people needing care and help it may be easy to ignore the fact that they have equal rights which can lead to the individual feeling discouraged and unimportant.
Diversity in a health care setting means that people are all different meaning their gender, sexuality, age, race and religion. Within health and social care there are many different people that need to be respected and not excluded, for example someone from an Muslim background will not eat foods like 'Pork(pig meat)' because of their religion, so there needs need to be met even if it doesn't suite you.
Rights in all care settings need to be recognized for everyone including the service providers. The rights to have privacy for example if living in a care home the service providers should respect the service users privacy in places like the bath or getting changed and