Cultural Synthesis in ‘Dream in Hawaii’ by B. Bhattacharya The process of interculturation between two divergent ideals started in India during the British Empire. The Cultural tradition of India, imbued with many socio-religions, economic and philosophical, has an excellent integration. The impact of the colonial rule is reflected in life, literature and culture. Bhattacharya has witnessed the colonial and post – colonial situation in India. His writings have been greatly influenced by the political and social condition during the independence and post-independence India, which reflects a panoramic view of India’s socio-cultural life. Bhattacharya, what Cromwell says:
“Is a multi, cultural person who uniquely equipped to mediate between several groups in a culturally diverse world .”1 Bhattacharya as a social realist has focused much attention on an encounter between two divergent cultural values. He illustrates the influence of the Western ways of living on the Easterner, which is the outcome of British rule in India for more than two centuries. The Indians were impressed by the materialistic glamour of the Westerners, forgetting their own rich tradition of spiritual upliftment. The change in the attitude-the Easterner’s hankering after the material, industrial and mechanical prosperity and the West’s interest in the spiritual practice has been delineated in the novels of Dr. Bhabani Bhattacharya. Bhagvat S. Goyal points out that the novels of Bhabani Bhattacharya are:
“Somewhat more powerful and artistically satisfying expressions of the philosophico-cultural duality of
References: 1. Cromwell Crawford, ‘Bhabani Bhattacharya: A mediating man’ perspective on Bhabani Bhattacharya, Vimal prakashan, Gaziabad.p.11. 2.Ibid P. 172 3.Ibid P. 57-58 4.Ibid P. 109 5. Ibid P. 178 6. Ibid P. 109