Two main techniques to combat CTD is to limit the time spent doing any repetitive task and to use proper posture and body position while doing that task. Proper postures generally mean keeping our joints in a neutral position. Don’t force hands, wrist or other body parts into full flex or awkward position while working
Whether seating, kneeling or standing proper posture means keeping your head and neck align with shoulders, back and heaps. In addition to proper posture, taking periodic breaks when performing repetitive tasks reduces wear and tear on our body and helps prevent CT Injuries
Job rotation is another way to give joints and muscles a break. Job Rotation allows workers to change position or job task periodically to prevent over use of any particular body part.
Some symptoms of CTD include pain in the affected area as well as tingling, burning, weakness, swelling
These are all warning signs from your body and indicate over use.
Pay attention to the information your body is telling you. Discuss your concerns with your Spv and take action to prevent injuries
Common causes of overexertion injuries are pulling, lifting, pushing or material handling activities at work. Experts agree that preventing overexertion injuries is a lot easier than correcting them .because they often require weeks or even months of treatment and rehabilitation.
The first step in preventing sprains and strains from overdoing in a job is to make sure your body is in an optimal condition each day. Stretches and warm up exercises would loosen your arm, shoulder, back and legs and reduce the likelihood of a sprain or strain. Prevent overexertion injuries by gradually acclimating yourself to a new job. In other words, don’t overdo it on the first day.
Many overexertion injuries are accompanied by fatigue.If