1. The program screen should display the title of the program with a welcome.
2. A description of how the program will be used.
3. User has 5 currencies (Canadian dollars, Mexican Pesos, English Pounds, Yen, and Francs) to choose from to convert to dollar amount or vice versa.
4. Program displays the dollar amount the chosen currency is equivalent to.
5. User has an option to quit the program or restart any with any other currency to convert.
Input-Process-Output Chart
Complete the following Input-Process-Output chart for the application using a structured programming approach.
Input Process Output
Menu Options Input all optional currencies All currencies displayed
Number variables Only number amount allowed in box Currency amount
Currency formula for conversion
(foreign currency to U.S. dollar) Currency conversion U.S. dollar equivalent amount
Currency formula for conversion
(U.S. dollar to foreign currency Currency conversion Foreign currency equivalent amount
Restart or quit program Optional choice requests Restart or quit buttons
Hierarchy Chart
Control Flow Diagram—Main Control
Control Flow Diagram—Display Menu
Control Flow Diagram—Get_Int_Value
Control Flow Diagram—Convert Currency
Control Flow Diagram—Display_Results
Main Module
Call Control Module
Call Display Module
Call Get Int Value Module
Call Convert Module
Call Results Module
End Main Module
Control Module
Declare Currency as String
Write, “Currency Conversion Software”
Write, “Welcome to our software!”
Write, “Please select your currency to convert from any American dollar amount.”
Write, “Enter 0 when complete.”
Write, “Enter Quit to leave software.”
Prompt for DollarCurrency
Input DollarCurrency
If Selection = 1 Then
Set Currency = Canadian
End If
If Selection = 2 Then
Set Currency = Mexican
End If If Selection = 3 Then
Set Currency = Pounds
End If