February 27, 2006
Current Changes in Society, Families, and Schools
1. Major changes have been occurring in the everyday lives of families over the last generation. Elkind discussed a shift from the modern time period in the 1940’s to early 1960’s, to the post modern time period from the 1960’s to the present. He reports that schools begin to mirror the changes in society and families. Parent involvement in schools brought about changes; for example, the Disability Act requires schools to meet the needs for all students. Also, full day kindergarten classes were developed because the majority of mothers of young children worked and needed childcare. Halpern believes that despite these changes in family structures, the world of work is still organized for a family that has a stay-at-home caregiver. However, Halpern states that the curriculum in schools has become more advanced and supports different viewpoints in a multicultural world. Elkind suggests that postmodern schools must incorporate different teaching styles and cultural views to meet the needs of children from all ethnic groups. He states that schools have realized that all children do not progress at the same rate and that learning is more complex for today’s students. However, Elkind believed that the curriculum is being pushed down and more demands are placed on younger learners. Vygotsky also believed that development occurs through a socially mediated process that is culture specific, and that by looking at the culture, educators can better understand the student. Parent and community involvement is crucial for the success of postmodern schools. Delpit points out that educators must discover who their students are outside the classroom. Educators must form a better understanding of the family and communities that their students derive from. Delpit explains that the basic skills that teachers expect students
References: Bryan, J. (2005). Fostering Educational Resilience and Achievement in Urban Schools Through School-Family-Community Partnership Blomster, E. (2001). Unlocking Motivation Chen, J. & Dym, E. (n.d.). Using Computer Technology To Bridge School and Community Cormier Class notes (2006). Vygotsky Sociocultural Theory Delpit, L. (1998). Lessons From Home Elkind, D. (1997). The Death of Child Nature Epstein, J., & Salinas, K. (2004). Partnering with Families and Communities Halpern, D. (2005). Psychology at the Intersection Hoerr, T. (2003). It’s No Fad: Fifteen Years of Implementing Multiple Intelligences Unknown, (n.d.). The Science of Child Development. Bronfenbrenner Ecological