i. Identification of conflicts Based on the case study, there were many conflicts that arise due to miscommunication, hostility and lack of understanding. Miscommunication can be seen in the case study where teachers have given out information to parents in the communication book but parents are unsure about what the teachers want. This resulted in parents not participating in school events or activities. Hostility between parents and teachers can be seen where teachers avoided interaction with parents while the lack of understanding is seen when both teachers and parents do not understand each other’s perspectives, such as parents constant questions on children’s progress and teachers’ lesson …show more content…
Proposed strategies and plan
i. Resolving conflicts
Name of activity: Curriculum Night
- Teachers will be able to inform parents of the centre’s curriculum and how they conduct lessons.
- Parents will be able to address concerns regarding the teachers’ behaviour and roles in implementing lessons and about the centre’s curriculum.
As this event allows parents to feedback on the centre’s curriculum and teachers’ teaching method, teachers will be able to reflect on their current practices. This will then help teachers to take note of the gaps they might have and hence, can improve the curriculum to enhance children’s experiences (Virginia Department of Education, 2002). Furthermore, parents can address their concerns and communicate their expectations for their children. When parents are willing to collaborate with the school and inform teachers what they want their children to learn, they get to be more involved in their children’s learning and development (Epstein, 2004).
Action Plan:
Name and Type: Curriculum Night is an open house cum dialogue session held in the evening.
Sequence: Preparation:
- Teachers send out letters informing parents about …show more content…
Parents can communicate about culture and values in an enjoyable manner so that teachers can appreciate the variety of cultural differences in the class (Loughran, 2008). Teachers can also learn to know appropriate content for discussing with parents (Couchenour & Chrisman, 2014).
Action Plan:
Name and Type: “Family Fun Weekend” is an informal casual gathering on a Saturday afternoon.
Sequence: Preparation:
- Teachers send out letters informing parents of event, including activities that will be held and for parents to potluck – inform allergy(s) and intolerance that children have in the letter
- Teachers to book venue for event – Singapore Botanic Gardens
Actual day:
1. Parents and class teachers will have a short meal and interact with each other to know one another better while assistant teachers facilitate children in the activities prepared.
2. Class teachers and families can exchange ideas, views and provide suggestions to enhance children’s learning and understand each other’s perspectives