What strategies/methods/materials were used to help the client achieve the goals?
The session was broken down into several different sections as to keep the focus of such a young child. The clinician started the session out by allowing the client to do an activity of his choosing for …show more content…
Throughout the session the clinician had a notebook that she made notes in on the client’s responses. She would use a check mark if the client had a correct response and a x mark if the client had a wrong response. She indicated that after the session was completed, she would go back and look over all the responses and make note of any progress or even goals that may need to be added or revisited.
What plans were communicated to the client or family for the next session?
The clinician asked the parent/ guardian too keep on working on the target sounds at home, as if seemed to be helping the client generalize across different situations. The clinician also made a comment on all the progress that the client had been making this semester and how much clearer his speech was becoming.
What were the most interesting elements of this session?
The thing I found most interesting was the clinician’s ability to keep the client on task and always bring him back when he lost focus. The other was how many different activities the clinician had planned for the fifty-minute session. She kept the client very busy as to not lose his focus, yet still managing to keep everything tied into the goals she had laid