CMRJ 334
Professor Brian Rich
27 Jan 2013
James Driscoll
This paper will discuss the various methods and techniques that can be employed in an attempt to beat the polygraph.
Wen Ho Lee worked as a nuclear scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. In 1998 he was suspected of espionage and a polygraph examiner with the Department of Energy administered a polygraph to him in December. He passed this test and his superiors were happy however the federal government was not. Because of this the FBI administered a second polygraph, which he failed. Then in March of 1999, the FBI administered a third polygraph which the FBI said that he also failed, yet another expert who looked at the results at the request of CBS news said he passed. In the end he was not charged with espionage since there was no evidence to support (“Wen ho lee’s,” 2009). Now while probably not employed by Mr. Lee, there are methods and techniques that can be utilized in order to “beat” the polygraph. These will be discussed later. Before we discuss what methods and techniques are available to be used in an effort to “beat” the polygraph, we need to discuss what the polygraph is and how it works. The polygraph is a deception detection device. The way it works is the subject is connected to the machine through a series of wires that are attached to the subject at various points of the body. It monitors physiological changes such as heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and even sweating. The reason these bodily functions are monitored is because they are normally incontrollable. Before the beginning of the test, the examiner will ask some basic questions in order to establish a base line with which to compare the responses that are received during the test. Once the test starts, if any of the monitored items fluctuate then the examiner may determine that the subject is being deceptive (Alder, 2009). Now that