What kids tell each other in person.
What kids tell someone else about someone
What kids post online or text. When a kid assaults a kid face to face with violent words or flames there's a good chance the kid would get punched which is why some people are scared to criticize others or make hateful comments to others face to face.When a kid tells someone about someone else it's anonymous the person who is being talked about has no idea their being talked about which is why people aren't scared to talk about people around their friends but sometimes the friend may tell the person what they said and that can make things heated.When a kid post something online about someone the person …show more content…
Can you provide some examples of a time when you were cyber bullied or when a friend was cyber bullied? I was cyber bullied before but i didn't care it didn't affect me i find cyberbullying childish and when someone tries to “flame” me online i know i'm probably 40 times more mature than they are and they should feel ashamed for acting like a 7 year old.I've been cyber bullied in a combat game where i kill people and i killed this guy and he started saying i suck and sayings stuff bout my mom how my mom's fat or ugly but the thing is it's probably a 9 year old who is just salty and jealous of you or such so i don't really care plus they have no idea who i am so they cant really flame a person they don't see.
3. Explain the difference between bullying and cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is anonymously talking bad thing about someone online without you being able to do anything about it but bullying in person is way more scarce because in person if you talk bad about someone prepare to get a broken nose because there is a high chance that person will throw a fist your way 10 seconds into the trash talking.The fear is what makes cyber more common than in person because in reality a bully is to scared to confront u in person so they resort to doing it online from a safe place where you can't get