Child Development from birth to sixteen
CYPW Level three
In this booklet you are going to record your knowledge of the development of a child from 0-16.
You will be thinking of how the child develops in different areas of learning and their physical growth. This will include links to theory and the Early Years Foundation Stage.
This will give you the knowledge and evidence needed to complete CYP3.1. You will also find this can link to other criteria in your qualification and can be cross referenced.
Please complete the booklet as we learn and then hand in for final assessment on the hand in day. During the time spent on this unit, I will ask to see how far you are progressing by sending me copies of certain criteria. If these need to be amended, do so by attaching to the back of the booklet.
To pass CYP3.1 the whole of this book must be completed. You will find links to support materials on Moodle.
CYP3.1 /1.1
1.1. Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years.
On the following pages you will find a grid to complete looking at all aspects of development. Pease fill in using brief but concise details. You may find reference books to support but remember to reference them.
CYP 3.1/1.2
Physical development
Behavioural /Social/Emotional development including moral developmentCYP3.2/5.1 CPOP 5
Explain how to support Behavioural development CYP3.2/5.1 CPOP5
Communication development CYP3.1/
Explain how to support Communicational development CYP3.1/4.3 CYP 3.5/2.2
Intellectual /cognitive development
0-3 months
Gross motor skills: The baby lies supine. When placed on front the baby lies with head turned to one side and by one month can lift the head. If pulled to sitting position, the head will lag, the back curves over and the head falls