1. Summarise the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years
Development is the process of learning new skills and abilities. During this process of development, it is important to realise that children are individuals, so although they will all go through the same stages of development, they will not necessarily do so at the same time. The following developmental stages listed below show a guideline to what can be expected from each child during that stage.
0-2 years
Physical development
During the first two years of a child’s life, a new born baby will go from being a helpless new born that can literally just lie there, through to being able to walk, kick a ball and climb stairs. This is achieved by stages of lying, rolling, crawling, pulling themselves up to a standing position and eventually walking. Their coordination starts to drastically improve in these early years
Intellectual development
A baby will go from its first instincts of rooting for its milk from a breast, to acting out role play and making sounds from instruments. This development stage shows a growth in stimulation and their memory being used to start understanding more complex emotions and reasoning. They begin by mimicking actions, like waving goodbye, peek-a-boo to having more independent ideas of how to express themselves to others.
Language development
A baby’s first cry is seen as a great relief for parents that their baby has arrived in this world. That cry goes on to be the baby’s way of communicating its wants and needs over the next few months. When a child is on it’s way to becoming one, they start to develop a good understanding of simple instructions like wave goodbye, what noise does a cow make etc. And they are able to make some of the noises. By the time the child comes to the end of infancy, their language and understanding of language, would have increased significantly. They will be