Physical development of children varies within very wide limits, depending on the weight and size at the birth, nutrition and health, but also the genetic heritage (parents or grandparents size).
Physical development
0-2 years
When a baby is born, for first three months he lie on their back, but is able to make basic distinction in vision, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching. Many people think babies are helpless, but they are born with the ability to do few things: they can recognize their mum’s voice and smell, they are able to cry and let everyone know when they need help. Babies are born with many reflexes which are actions that they perform without thinking. Around three months baby will start lifting his head and will be able to kick. As time goes, the baby will be able to grasp objects and try to put that in their mouth. Mobility usually comes at the ages of nine to twelve months. They will be able to crawl and some might be able to sit and walk unaided. They can hold and throw toys. At the age of one most babies can climb up the stairs (with adult help). Children at two years age are very mobile. They will be able to throw and kick a ball but may not be very confident to catch it.
3-5 years Children of three years age will be able to walk, run and jump from low heights. By three a child will have learnt most methods of movement, they will be able to walk backwards and sideways, and may even jump from low heights, they should also be able to ride a tricycle. When a child is four years old they can catch, throw and kick a ball with full confidence. They are able to walk in a straight line. At four they should be able to catch, throw, kick and bounce balls and should also be confident with balance. By the time a child reaches their fifth birthday, changes in physical development are much rapid .Usually by five they moves freely and with pleasure and