Outcome 1 – Understand the pattern of development that would normally be expected for children and young people from birth-19 years.
1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development that would normally be expected in children and young people from birth-19 years.
Children’s development is continuous and can be measured in a number of different ways. Although all children will develop at different rates and in different ways, the sequence in which they develop will be roughly the same as they need to have developed one skill, for example walking, before they move on to develop another such as running and jumping.
Development is often referred to on a timeline and is broken down in ages. As development is more rapid in early years the milestones start by being quite close together before becoming further apart as baby becomes a child and then a young adult.
The aspects of development that children are measured on are physical, intellectual/cognitive, communication, social, emotional and behavioural, moral and identity. All aspects of development are as equally important and all impact on one another.
Physical Development
There are two main ways that a child develops physically. Firstly they need to develop their gross motor skills - milestones here include sitting, standing and walking. They also need to develop their fine motor skills which cover the ability to use smaller muscles. So, for example, this could involve picking up small objects, holding cutlery and drawing.
Young people will also see many physical developments changing the appearance of their bodies. Everyone’s rate of growth is different. During adolescence, coordination and strength increase greatly and by age 19 or 20 the adolescent has full adult motor capacities.
Birth to 3 years
From Birth to 3 Months
Use rooting, sucking and grasping reflexes
Slightly raise the head when lying on the stomach
Hold head up for a few seconds with support
Clench hands into fists
Tug and pull on their own hands
Repeat body movement
From 3 to 6 Months
Roll over
Start to develop greater agility and strength
Pull their bodies forward
Pull themselves up by grasping the edge of the crib
Lift both their hands and feet up in the air and balance on their fronts
From 6 to 9 Months
Grasp and pull object toward their own body
Transfer toys and objects from one hand to the other
From 9 to 12 Months
Sit up unaided
Stand without assistance
Walk without help
Pick up and throw objects
Roll a ball
Pick up objects between their thumb and one finger
From 1 to 2 Years
Pick things up while standing up
Walk backwards
Walk up and down stair without assistance
Move and sway to music
Colour or paint by moving the entire arm
Scribble with markers or crayons
Turn knobs and handles
From 2 to 3 Years
Run in a forward direction
Jump in one place
Kick a ball
Stand on one foot
Turn pages of a book
Draw a circle
Hold a crayon between the thumb and fingers
3-7 Years
From 3 to 4 Years
Ride a tricycle
Go down a slide without help
Throw and catch a ball
Pull and steer toys
Walk in a straight line
Build a tall towers with toy blocks
Manipulate clay into shapes
From 4 to 5 Years
Jump on one foot
Walk backwards
Do somersaults
Cut paper with safety scissors
Print some letters
Copy shapes including squares and crosses
From 5 to 7years
Can hop, skip, jump, and even stand on one foot for a few seconds.
Are able to throw and catch a ball (usually with two hands).
Can copy shapes such as triangles or circles, draw stick figures, and even print letters.
Are more skilful at using a spoon or a fork, and may even be able to cut soft foods with a butter knife.
Can brush their own teeth, wash themselves and wipe their own bottoms (though parental supervision and help will still be needed).
Begin to lose their baby teeth.
Begin to lose fat and gain more muscle.
Can show off ever-improving locomotor skills, such running, jumping, skipping.
Show improved ability to follow movement patterns, and may even be able to perform some basic dance moves.
Demonstrate stronger hand-eye coordination (are better able to kick a ball into a goal or throw a ball at a target, for instance).
Can play a musical instrument.
Are able to follow rules of a game or sport (soccer, for instance, becomes more meaningful to them than when they were younger).
Can ride a two-wheeled bicycle.
Are able to perform movements that are done while standing in one place such as twisting, turning, spinning.
Show improved skill at performing simple chores, such as making the bed or sweeping the floors.
8-10 years
Can combine locomotor and motor skills more fluidly (turn, spin and jump -- such as in basketball).
Continue to demonstrate improvement in coordination.
May begin to experience early signs of puberty (girls usually display signs around age 8 or 9; boys are more likely to enter puberty a bit later, around age 10 or 11).
Experience a growth spurt, getting significantly taller and gaining more weight.
Can demonstrate improved agility, speed, coordination and balance.
Begin to show signs of puberty such as oily skin, increased sweating and hair growth under arms and on genital areas.
Experience a voice change (usually more noticeable in boys).
Are able to perform more complex household tasks such as cooking or doing laundry.
11 to 19 years
Young people will also see many physical developments changing the appearance of their bodies, Everyone’s rate of growth is different. During adolescence, co-ordination and strength increase greatly and by the age of 19-20 the adolescent has full motor capacities,
After initial breast budding around the age of 10, a girl’s breasts gradually begin to swell. Her pubic hair will begin to grow, darken and become curlier. Their bodies become more rounded, developing the curves of womanhood.
By 13, some girls are almost physically mature, but there are wide variations in the ages when puberty begins and ends. A few girls may begin to develop as early as 8 and others may show no obvious changes until late teens. The average age of the onset of menstruation is around 13.
Some girls have reached full physical maturity by the age of 14 or 15 and some are only beginning the process depending on the age of pubertal onset, the teenage girl may be almost physically mature at 15 and is likely to be close to her full adult height. She may have a woman's figure, although her breasts and hips may still become fuller.
Adolescence for boys usually begins later than for girls and usually occurs around fourteen years of age. However, at the end of this growth period, boys are usually bigger than girls. Boys at this age are beginning to develop sex characteristics such as deep voices and body hair. They also experience muscle growth in early to mid puberty. Penis growth starts a bit later but continues for a longer period. Some boys move through puberty quickly while others worry about their lack of development. These variations can be difficult for slow developers to handle. It’s important that adults reassure them that their rate of development is not related to final physical potential.
Intellectual/Cognitive development
A child starts to develop in this way from a very early stage. These stages of development cover problem solving and specific learning. For example, a baby learns about the differences in texture by touching things. And, an older child will learn problem solving skills from doing puzzles.
Birth to 3 years:
Recognise the smell and sound of mothers voice
Stop crying because the hear a familiar voice
Starts to notice objects around them
Explores toys and objects in the mouth
Explores objects using hands and mouth
Recognising the routines of the day
Enjoyment of pop-up and posting toys
Playing with building blocks and doing simple puzzles
Beginning to realise others are separate beings from themselves
Imitates others and tries out ways of behaving in play
Becoming more confident but still needs adult reassurance Wants to explore and investigate, solves simple puzzles. fear of strangers
3-7 years
Understand two or three simple things to do at once, e.g. ‘Fetch a glass of water, give it to your brother and take the empty glass back to the kitchen’
Interest in mark making, painting and books
Sort objects by size, and type, e.g. animals, or by colour or shape
Begin to understand about sameness and difference in various aspects of life
They begin to understand that differences can exist side by side
They can begin to see different perspectives on the same subject, for example the same amount of water can look different in different containers
7-12 years
Will read to themselves
Show interest in certain subjects/activities by the time they are 9 years
Begins to understand logical reasoning
Understands the value of coins
Can write for a good length of time
12-19 years
This is a time of maturing of the mind and behaviours as young people develop more responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions and start to think ahead to future occupations, marrying, and having children of their own.
During adolescence, the primary tools for knowledge acquisition are the ability to make connections between different pieces of knowledge and being able to make connections with the world as they see it. The pace of development is dependent on how much guidance is given with regard to helping the brain to make the connections between knowledge and practical application in daily life. The more support they receive the faster their pace of growth will be. During adolescence, education should attempt to distil learning into a moral, social, economic and cultural code that will form the basis of the individual’s identity. During adolescence, young people increasingly take personal responsibility for finances, accommodation, employment and interpersonal relationships. The process of transferring responsibility from parental shoulders to the maturing adolescent should reach completion at adulthood.
Communication Development
There are specific milestones here that register when a child assimilates speech and language. This can be measured in a simple way by assessing when the child can actually talk and in a more complex way by using speech to work out what they know. So, for example, by a certain age a child ought to be able to differentiate between colours and to name them.
From birth to 3 years. 0 - 3 months:
Makes a variety of “happy” sounds
Will respond to a variety music and other sounds
Babies watch their carers face especially the mouth and try to copy its movements 6 - 12 months
Babbling sounds begin
Baby will make four or five different sounds and will turn its head towards the source of sounds
Will show feelings by squealing with pleasure or crying
Laugh and chuckle to show enjoyment
1-2 Years
Move from using single words to putting them together as a phrase
A child will understand key words in the sentences used In the second year children start to understand the use of conversation and begin to copy
Children’s understanding outstrips their ability to express themselves By two they could be using anything from 30 to 150 words
2-3 Years
Put words together into a sentence
Begin to ask questions what? Why? Etc
Can join in well know songs or verses and put actions to words They could be using several hundred words by their 3rd birthday
Can scribble and make marks on paper with a crayon
Start to use pitch and tone
May start to use the past tense
Vocabulary extends towards 1000-1500 words
Marks made with crayons become more controlled Grammar is becoming more accurate Children’s questions become more complex able to use language to communicate their own ideas Understand that books are a source of pleasure and use pictures to help them follow the story May begin to recognize their own name and a few frequently seen written words They can hold a pencil steadily and copy shapes and form some lettering
Fluent speaker able to make up stories
Can handle books well Understand that text carries meaning Recognize an increasing number of letters linking them to sounds
7-12 years
Will need help in tackling the complexities of spelling
Vocabulary will grow if adults introduce new words and new ways of using language
Speak fluently and describe complicated happenings
Read out loud
Know the different tenses and grammar
12-19 years
A teenager's constant sarcasm and supposed witticisms can become irritating, but they are just testing their new, sophisticated language skills. They may also develop an interest in satire and other slightly off- beat forms of humour. Their logical thinking ability is also maturing and they may enjoy practicing their new intellectual and verbal skills through debating, either formally or informally.
Social/emotional development
Development here is all about how a child manages their own behaviour and their behaviour around other people. So, for example, children will learn how to share at a specific age and they will learn appropriate behaviour such as when to smile.
From birth to 3 years
Newborn - 3 months
Responds to adults especially mothers face and voice
Smiles, concentrates on adults face during feeding
Very dependent on adults for reassurance and comfort, quietens when held and cuddled 6- 9 months:
Enjoys company of others and games like peek-a-boo
Shows affection to known carer, but shy with strangers
1-2 Years
Likes to please adults and to perform for an audience
May become anxious or distressed if separated from known adults
May use comfort object
Mostly cooperative and can be distracted from unwanted behavior
Plays alongside other children
2-3 Years
Developing sense of own identity, wanting to do things for self
Demanding of adult attention, jealous of attention given to others, reluctant to share playthings or adults attention
Acts impulsively, requiring needs to be met instantly, prone to bursts of emotion tantrums
Enjoys playing with adult or older child who will give attention, beginning to play with others of own age for short periods
3-7 years
3-4 Years
Becoming more independent and self motivated
Feels more secure and able to cope with unfamiliar surroundings and adults for periods of time
Becoming more cooperative with adults and likes to help
Sociable and friendly with others, plays with children and more able to share
Beginning to consider the needs of others and to show concern for others
4-7 Years
Makes friends but may need help in resolving disputes
Developing understanding of rules, but still finds turn-taking difficult
Enjoys helping others and taking responsibility
Learns lots about the world and how it works, and about people and relationships
Makes friends (often short-term) and plays group games
Needs structure and a routine to feel safe
When behaviour is ‘over the top’, they need limits to be set
7-12 years
Becoming less dependent on close adults for support – able to cope with wider environment
Enjoys being in groups of other children of similar age, strongly influenced by peer group
Becoming more aware of own gender
Developing understanding that certain kinds of behaviour are not acceptable
Want to fit in with peer group rules
Start to form closer friendships at about eight years old like to play with same-sex friends
Need adult help to sort out arguments and disagreements in play
Can be arrogant and bossy or shy and uncertain
12-19 years
The teenager may become self-conscious as changes in their body shape take place, odour occurs and possibly acne develops as a result of oilier skin. So more than anything they need reassurance. Emotional maturity is constantly shifting, moving them between childish needs and adult desires. They aren’t just being awkward for the sake of it. Their bodies and emotions are experiencing drastic changes. The adolescent is preparing for independence and beginning the move away from parents and close carers towards their peers. They become less concerned about adult approval and turn instead to their friends. Many teens develop very close friendships within their own gender. Most also develop an intense interest in the opposite sex. They see security in group-acceptance and follow peer group dress and behaviour codes. Having the same 'labels', collecting the same items and playing the same computer game etc. are very important. Taken out of the emotional security provided by family, they are subject to all the whims of their peers, including potential rejection. A phase of intense questioning and uncertainty usually occurs as adolescents begin to reappraise parental and community values, beliefs and biases. No longer are they accepted without question. Each one has to be personally accepted or rejected to become part of the young person's own value system. Parents are sometimes fearful of this increasing questioning and their children’s increasing freedom and independence.
Moral Development
The development of morality is about the decisions that children and young people take, the principles that they adapt and their behaviours toward others.
2-4 years
Beginning to know right from wrong
Is more self-controlled and less aggressive. Uses extreme verbal threats such as, "I'll kill you," without understanding full implications
Wants to be good, but is not yet mature enough to be able to carry out most promises.
4-7 years
Is interested in being good
May tell lies or blame others for wrongdoings because of intense desire to please and do right
Is very concerned with personal behaviour, particularly as it affects family and friends.
7-12 years
May experience guilt and shame
Has difficulty admitting mistakes but is becoming more capable of accepting failures and mistakes and taking responsibility for them
Is aware of right and wrong; wants to do right.
12-16 years
Knows right and wrong; tries to weigh alternatives and arrive at decisions alone
Is concerned about fair treatment of others; is usually reasonably thoughtful; is unlikely to lie.
16-19 years
Experiences feelings of frustration, anger, sorrow, and isolation
Is confused and disappointed, state values and actual behaviours of family and friends
May be interested in sex as response to physical-emotional urges.
Identity Development
A child’s self-concept and personal identify are closely linked to the quality of parenting in their early years. Many theorists would agree that identity development begins with children recognizing that they are individuals separate from their mother. Self awareness begins in the second year. It can be observed when children talk about themselves, using the concept of the self, when they resist control by parents, and recognise themselves in a mirror. Self concept starts to develop shortly after self awareness is established.
From 3 through 6 years of age, children nurture their self concept by making choices and following through on those choices. They experiment in this stage with doing things on their own. They are often told during this time period that what they have chosen to do is wrong. The shame that they feel in these situations leads to the beginnings of the self-evaluation that is so important in the next stage.
From age 7 until the onset of puberty, is a time of increased responsibility and privilege. Children begin to learn what their culture deems important. More than in earlier years, they are involved in peer groups, putting them in a position to constantly compare themselves to others. When that comparison is favourable, they are inspired to work and accomplish more. When that comparison is not favourable, they may feel inferior to classmates. During this period self efficacy develops and becomes significant. Self efficacy is the attempt to assess one's worth through comparison with others.
The most important process of identity development takes place during adolescence. During this time, individuals must establish their identity in order to make the transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescents enter a period of relative freedom from societal expectations. During this time, they feel free to experiment with different personalities and roles. Everything that was established about self in childhood is re-evaluated in adolescence. Some of the components of the self concept, self worth, and childhood personality may be retained or rejected in the adolescent's search for identity. Adolescents have to internalise a comprehensive and consistent set of affirmations regarding their own strengths, weaknesses, values, and career choice. The positive influence of family and friends is important in this process, but the commitment must be made by adolescents as individuals.
The identity established during adolescence represents a major accomplishment. By young adulthood, individuals who have achieved their identity are prepared to adapt and contribute to society. That identity is expected to endure. However, many theorists who study identity achievement recognise that there is still much refinement, re-evaluation, and recommitment of identity in later life.
1.2 Analyse the difference between sequence of development and the rate of development and why the distinction is important.
All children and young people follow a similar pattern of development so the order in which each child advances from one milestone to the next will be roughly the same. However, each child will develop at a different rate and their development may not progress evenly across all areas. It is important to know the difference between the sequence and rate as it can help identify a child’s Special Educational Needs (SEN).
The sequence of development is a definite order of milestones that children and young people meet and accomplish, for example a baby will learn to hold their head up before learning to sit unaided or a child will learn to walk before they can run.
The rate of development describes how quick a child takes to accomplish these milestones as the speed can vary from child to child, for example one child could learn to walk at 11 months whereas another could achieve walking at 14 months.
It is important to keep a close check on a child’s developmental changes for a number of reasons. Generally, children need to learn developmental skills in a consecutive order. A delay in one skill will have a knock-on effect on other skills. For example, a child needs language skills before he/she will be able to write. Sometimes if a child has a delay in one area (i.e. speech) it can affect other developmental areas (i.e. social and emotional). Early identification and intervention of problems in one area will therefore helps to ensure that a child makes progress across all areas of development. Once these development changes are identified it can help you plan effectively for that child’s individual needs, focusing on the areas that need improvement.
Arnold Gesell was one of the first psychologists to systematically describe children's physical, social, and emotional achievements, particularly in the first five years of life. “The child's personality is a product of slow gradual growth. His nervous system matures by stages and natural sequences. He sits before he stands; he babbles before he talks; he fabricates before he tells the truth; he draws a circle before he draws a square; he is selfish before he is altruistic; he is dependent on others before he is achieves dependence on self. All of his abilities, including his morals, are subject to laws of growth. The task of childcare is not to force him into a predetermined pattern but to guide his growth”. efore he stands; he babbles before he talks; he fabricates before he tells the truth; he draws a circle before he draws a square; he is selfish before he is altruistic; he is dependent on others before he achieves dependence on self. All of his abilities, including his morals, are subject to laws of growth. The task of child care is not to force him into a predetermined pattern but to guide his growth” (Arnold Gesell). The developmental norms established by Gesell and his colleagues are still used by paediatricians and psychologists today.
1.3 Analyse the reason why children and young people’s development may not follow the pattern normally expected.
Social - Social factors such as transport could result in development not following expected patterns because parents who don’t drive may have difficulties in getting their children to school regularly which could result in poor attendance so the child could miss out on key factors of their education. Home schooling could also affect children’s social development as they won’t have had many opportunities for social interaction with children their own age which could result in a social delay.
Environmental - Environmental factors such as poverty and family could affect a child’s development because if they do not have much money some opportunities such as nursery will not be available. Family could also affect a child because single parents may not have the time and energy to engage and challenge their child to try new things that would help their development.
A family could live in a block of flats in the centre of a town. There could be lots of traffic and buildings around and nowhere to go. A child like this would not receive the same opportunities as a child who lives in the countryside who would have more freedom, fresh air, animals around them. This could then affect the normal pattern of development expected.
Physical - Health problems can be genetic or caused by the environment the child lives in. Either way if a child is in poor health then this will have an impact on their development. For example, a child with uncontrolled asthma or cystic fibrosis may not be able to run around and be as active as their peers. Therefore, this would mean that his physical development might not be the same. Not being able to play outside may affect the social development, as children make many friendships on the playground and at after school clubs. Not being able to take part in sports may lessen their understanding of being part of a team. Long term illness or ongoing conditions necessitating regular treatment will affect their physical development and all other areas of development if school is missed regularly.
Language barrier - If a child/young person speaks a different language at home from the one being taught at school, he/she could find learning a little more challenging e.g. a child who has moved from a different country and who does not know English. This will be harder for these children to communicate with other students or the teacher; therefore this will be frustrating for the child and affect his development.
Learning Difficulties - A child with learning problems may be many developmental years behind their peers; this will have a big impact on what they can do in all areas of development including physical skills, social skills and intellectual skills. They may find it especially hard to interact with children of the same age or stay interested in conversation. They may also need to have one-to-one lessons at school to help educate them as they may not be at the same cognitive stage as peers. This may leave them feeling left out, however, some children may have a learning disability that is severe enough for them not to realise they are different.
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