Learners must complete all of the boxes with the relevant details.
Assessment submissions may be rejected if any information is omitted.
Unit Reference (e.g. FM3.01)
Unit Title
BIFM Membership Number
Centre Name
Cohort Reference (e.g. 54321/3/01/01/2013)
Date assessment received from Centre
Deadline for completion of assessment
Date assessment submitted to Centre
Plagiarism statement:
(PRINT NAME) confirm that the attached assessment is entirely my own work and, if I have incorporated any copied text, I have accurately referenced the work to the original source. I confirm I have read the BIFM Malpractice Policy.
This statement should be the first page of your electronic submission.
A signed copy must also be handed to your centre
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Task 1
(In completing this task you must demonstrate that you have addressed all of the following assessment criteria from Unit FMP413: 1.2)
a. Use the following table to describe three types of contract commonly used in facilities management. In each case provide a facilities management example of where that contract type would be an appropriate method of service delivery to meet client and user requirements.
Type of contract
FM Example
Task 2
(In completing this task you must demonstrate that you have addressed all of the following assessment criteria from Unit FMP413: 1.4, 2.3)
a. Explain the term “benchmarking”. Describe how benchmarking can be used to identify best (or good) practice and as an aid to performance monitoring in facilities management.
Task 3
(In completing this task you must demonstrate that you have addressed all of the following assessment criteria from Unit FMP413: 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
(NB In completing Task 3, learners can either use an actual