ACAP Student ID: 217097
Name: Miguel Martinez
Course: Diploma of Counselling
Unit/Module: Facilitate the counselling process (CHC8D31V)
Educator: Karen Mitchell
Assessment Name: Assignment 1- week 4
Assessment Number: 1
Term & Year: Term 2 2013
Word Count: 572 (answers only)
I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research/study . I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications.
I also declare, if this is a practical skills assessment, that a Client/Interviewee Consent Form has been read and signed by both parties, and where applicable parental consent has been obtained.
1. Explain the purpose of counselling and the scope of counselling relationships, including professional limitations.
Counselling allows the counsellor to help his or her client achieve any personal, long term or short term goals and to achieve a better understanding of themselves and their lives. It helps people understand how to deal with any challenges they may face and how they may resolve them. Unlike counselling a friend, a counsellor must obey certain accepted practices. The practices have strict ethical principles such as confidentiality, professional boundaries, and the keeping of notes. The relationship is strictly professional and things like physical affections etc. should be managed.
2. Explain to a new client the nature of the client-centred approach to counselling.
In the client-centred approach I am going to be working with you, helping you to help yourself and giving you a