Staff meeting
A staff meeting would be carried out prior the outing to discuss the aim of the park visit, ratio requirements for such outing, any circumstances that need to be considered, the policies and guidelines will be gone …show more content…
All children 's needs will be catered for whether cultural or due to disabilities.
The information sheet will be checked out on which children are on medication and bring written instructions with us for its exact administration. It will be decided in, advance, who has responsibility for giving children any medication.
Risk assessment
A route risk assessment is carried out by either the nursery manager or the room supervisor before everyone goes on the journey. There will be a risk assessment form used, it will indicate measures to prevent or reduce risks that could be on the way to the park and it is based on the following considerations;
What are the Hazards?
Who might be affected by them?
What safety measures are needed to reduce risks to an acceptable level?
Can the safety measures be put in place by the group