In 2003 the UK government for England and Wales launched one of the most important policies, partly in response to the death of Victoria Climbie, in relation to children and children’s services. It was produced as a result of a review of children and young people’s services, it had two main findings; one was for all services to work together and share information and it identified five positive outcomes for children and young people.
As a practitioner working with children I am aware that the support I give the children to achieve the five positive outcomes is crucial in their development.
Be healthy; Physically healthy
Mentally and emotionally healthy
Sexually healthy
Healthy lifestyles
Choose not to take illegal drugs
Parents, carers and families promote healthy choices
Stay safe;
Safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation
Safe from accidental injury and death
Safe from bullying and discrimination
Safe from crime and anti-social behaviour in and out of school
Have security, stability and are cared for
Parents, carers and families provide safe homes and stability
Enjoy and achieve;
Ready for school
Attend and enjoy school
Achieve stretching national educational standards at primary school
Achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation
Achieve stretching national educational standards at secondary school
Parents, carers and families support learning
Make a positive contribution;
Engage in decision-making and support the community
And environment
Engage in law-abiding and positive behaviour in and out of school
Develop positive relationships and choose not to bully and
Develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life
Changes and challenges
Develop enterprising behaviour
Parents, carers and families promote positive behaviour