Review your setting’s policy on working with parents. Evaluate how well you work in partnership with parents and carers, by comparing your practice with your setting’s policy, and whether you feel this could be improved.
Little cherub’s nursery recognises that the parents are the primary carers and educators of their children therefore it is important that a strong partnership Is built with the setting and them so plenty of information can be exchanged for the optimum care for their child. It states in the policy that the keyworker is to meet the child and the parent before settling in, so the child can get a feel of the room they will be in. The policy states that parent’s feedback is always welcomed and they are always welcome to join in.
In practice the key worker is to introduce little cherubs learning journal to the parent, when they have their first meeting, where they will explain that this document is for sharing of information. They should explain that they as the key worker will record their child’s development in there, there strengths and plans on what they will do next in terms of teaching their child under the seven areas of learning and development. At this time I have seen that the key worker also tells the parents about the parent’s observation book which compliments the child’s learning journal. The whole point of the parents observation book is so that they can fill the books with their own data of their child’s developments and add pictures if they wish, this embraces the fact that they are primary carers of their children.
The thing that can be improved I guess is for more opportunities to be provided for the parents to actually attend the nursery and be involved, as if there are no opportunities given then some parents may naturally back away. They can be invited during story time, or an event were cooking takes place. Physical parent involvement enriches the child’s experience at the nursery. It would especially help for those