Physical activity is a big part of every child’s life and is very important as it supports each child’s overall health and well-being. It helps with bodily development such as strengthening muscles, heart and lung function. By being physical it can help to prevent obesity and t promotes a positive attitude to sport, playing outside and other physical activities in a child’s later life.
At my pre-school we have an area outside where the children can run skilfully and negotiates space so they can adjust their speed, change direction to avoid obstacles and can use equipment. Children can move physically in many ways such as:
Using balancing beams
Riding tricycles and scooters
Using climbing frame
Catching and throwing balls
These are all forms of physical activities that are very important to the short and long term health of a child. Therefore, physical activities on a daily basis will go on to affect long term health as the child has been active everyday at some point of their lives leading to a healthy adult.
Physical activity helps children to develop and practice movement skills which include:
Balance and co-ordination
Object control
Movement skills help children develop awareness of what their bodies can do. Children learn how much space they need. When developing travel skills the child learns how to move their body from one location to another by different skills such as hopping, skipping, jumping, walking and sliding etc.
Also hand-eye co-ordination and foot-eye co-ordination uses the eye to direct attention to hands and feet to execute a taste so that the brain can send information to the muscles and help develop smooth and precise movements. Activities involving foot-eye co-ordination would include kicking a ball. Activities involving hand-eye co-ordination would include threading, catching a ball and building blocks.