Unit SHC22
Introduction to communication in health social care or childen's and young peoples setting.
Task 1 – Links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
1.1- Describe the duties and responsibilities of your role:
To assist and support the Early Years Leader.
Work as a member of the staff team, under the supervision of the Early Years Leader, to provide safe, high quality care and education for all attending pre-school.
To support each child's transition from home and recognise the importance of creating positive links with parents in accordance with the policies of pre-school. To respond to the individual needs of the children. Listen effectively and appropriately to the needs of the parents. To have skills and knowledge in matter’s concerning children's health and safety and to provide a safe environment at all times. To be aware of, and maintain at all times, Christ Church pre-school's confidentiality policy. To maintain the accident book, register's and other record's as the need arises. To maintain apparatus to high standard. Attend regular staff meetings and be familiar with the organisation of preschool. Assist with fundraising activities.
1.2– Identify standards that influence the way your role is carried out:
EYFS Children's Act 1989 Children's Act 2004 Data Protection Act 1998 Admissions Policy Settling In & Transition Policy Equality & Diversity Policy Special Educational Needs/Disability Policy Health & Safety Policy Fire Procedure Risk Assessment Forms Continence & Personal Development Policy Medication Policy Medication Forms Safeguarding Children Policy & Procedures Behaviour Management Policy & Practice Confidentiality Policy Data Handling Policy Record Keeping Guidance Emergency Closure Policy Parental Involvement Policy Visitors Policy