a. Exercise pattern:
D.B.’s usual exercise pattern consists of long walks throughout the day. D.B. states that back when she used to live in Poland, it was very common for people to walk all throughout the town, even if they owned cars. From this, D.B. has adapted this pattern here too, in America; thus, she often walks to the grocery store, to the park, and anywhere else within a few miles- such as other plazas around her neighborhood. Other than this, D.B. says that she never attempted to participate in any other forms of exercise when she was younger, so now she doesn’t do any either; however, D.B. added that she …show more content…
is currently diagnosed with arthrosclerosis, which she states has been the biggest effect of smoking she has seen play out on her body. Other than that, D.B. states she has been told she is very healthy for someone who has been smoking for over four decades. D.B. however did suffer from a heart attack about 30 years ago, this was primarily due to the stress and grievance that came from her youngest daughters unexpected death. Overall, D.B. states that she does not think her arthrosclerosis permits her from doing any of her daily activities and she rarely, if ever, has felt short of breath. D.B. also proudly expressed that she has now quit smoking for over a month and a half, “which is not a lot, but it is progress”- she