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Environment monitoring:
What does the former management of Mekatrade BV, Delft, Geneva Branch do today? Monitor the environment and we keep you informed about all business related changes.
Mekatrade BV, Delft, Geneva Branch
Mekatrade BV, Delft, Geneva Branch
Place du Molard 7
1200 Genève
Location map | Vicinity
Most recent amendment:12.10.2009
Administrative board (3)
Management board (2)
Signatories (5)
Commercial register extract
SOGC notifications
Entry in the commercial register:07.04.2004
Deletion from the commercial register:12.10.2009
Legal domicile of the company: Genève (GE)
Number of the commercial register:CH-660.0.821.004-9
Commercial Registry:Canton of Geneva
The branch is removed as a result of abandonment. View original purpose
Former company names
Teral Holding BV, Delft, succursale de Genève
Last SOGC announcements
SOGC: 197 / 2009 from 12.10.2009
Mekatrade BV, Delft, Geneva Branch, à Genève, CH-660-0821004-9, négoce international d'engrais et autres produits chimiques (FOSC du 11.03.2005, p. 8). La succursale est radiée par suite de cessation de l'exploitation.
SOGC: 050 / 2005 from 11.03.2005
Mekatrade BV, Delft, Geneva Branch, à Genève, CH-660-0821004-9, négoce international d'engrais et autres produits chimiques (FOSC du 19.07.2004, p. 7).
Nouveau capital: EUR 1'000'000, divisé en 1'000'000 actions de EUR
1. Nouveau capital autorisé: EUR 2'000'000, divisé en