Frank Asi
August 13, 2013
Aviv Raveh
Mountain View Community Hospital Case Study
The increased use of electronic medical records (EMR’s) is certainly impacting the world of healthcare. Some claim EMR transition is necessary for efficiency of healthcare processes while others claim electronic records signals the final end of personal privacy. Regardless, the transition to EMRs will continue and the healthcare industry must learn to adapt accordingly (Shoniregun).
Mountain View Community Hospital (MVCH) is in the process of developing a long-term strategic and information systems plan for their organization. The main goal is to have a high quality health care, cost containment, …show more content…
Not knowing where all the documents are, who used it last, who made the recent update is crucial to the organizations goal of building high quality data and eliminates errors in the process. Compared to paper charts EMR will allow sharing of the data, it is complete, it has audit trail who did what and when did they do it. It will never be misplaced or lost. It can be reproduced in case of major disaster. Data will be easy to locate to consolidate and analyze when needed. With EMR, providers can track patient data, they can identify patients due for preventive visits, monitor the patient conditions like blood pressure readings, blood sugar level, records of vaccinations and schedule for regular checkup. It thus improves quality of care in a practice. Paper chart on the other hand is disorganized, fragmented, and incomplete making it difficult to view overtime. It is manually filed on folders that oftentimes get misplaced or lost, parts of the charts get misplaced or missing or never returned to proper folder. Paper chart cannot be shared to another user or physician unless they make photo copies, which cause redundancies and inaccurateness of …show more content…
The culture needs constant attention, care, and feeding to maintain the process. To make the security culture successful, it must be a high priority at all levels of the organization. The necessary resources and training shall be provided to its entirety. To be effective, a holistic security approach that converges, law, organization policy, professional ethics is the only possible way to mitigate or eliminate threats in healthcare organizations (Shoniregun). To accomplish security objectives, upper management should be involved. Getting upper management support sometimes is difficult but very important to obtain. To get started with selling upper management support for a security culture, the following tips may prove to be very useful, adopt a business perspective of the healthcare organization; understand the initiatives and how the business operates. Find a way to educate upper management regarding risks and promote the cost-benefit justifications of directly addressing them with action. Set metrics that show information security are providing value to the organization. Provide news stories about healthcare breaches, show the damage they cause why it is important to apply and prevent this from occurring. Due diligence will go a long way even if a breach does