Here's another quick and easy science experiment. All you need is a glass of clear soda, such as ginger ale or club soda, and several small raisins.
Fill a glass with soda. Leave about ½ inch (12.5 mm) of space at the top. Drop the raisins in.
Those tiny bubbles attaching themselves to the raisins are carbon dioxide (CO2) bubbles. The irregular surface of the raisins enables a lot of CO2 to accumulate. When enough gas bubbles attach to the raisins, they act like tiny balloons, giving the fruit enough lift or buoyancy to rise.
The raisins should rise to the top of the glass and float on the surface. As the carbon dioxide escapes into the atmosphere, though, the raisins will sink. Then the whole process will repeat itself …show more content…
If you do not have access to a small water fountain around you, can use a small bucket or tub to produce the same effect. But you have to ensure that the water is warm. So, if you are using a water fountain, you can carry out this experiment on a warm summer day when the water in the fountain is tepid, else you will need a bucket or a tub. To begin the experiment, you need to first pound the dry ice into small pieces. To do so, place the dry ice into a plastic packet and tie the packet up firmly. Now pound the packet with the help of a hammer. Once the dry ice has broken down into small pieces, scatter a few pieces in the warm water. You will immediately see white smoke rising from the water. This is nothing but condensed carbon dioxide. The quantity of smoke will depend on how hot the water is and also on the quantity of dry ice put in the water. For constant smoke, you will need somebody to constantly replenish the dry ice in the water.
6. Make a Big Dry Ice Bubble
We will need a large bowl or a cup with a lip around the top, water, A strip of material or cloth, Soapy mixture for making bubbles (water and some dishwashing liquid should do the trick) and Dry ice (Be careful with dry ice as it can cause skin damage if not used safely. Adults should handle dry ice with gloves and avoid directly breathing in the vapor).
Place your dry ice in a cup and add some water (it should start looking like a spooky cauldron). Soak the …show more content…
Sit down somewhere quiet and place the end of the funnel with the balloon over it against your chest, directly onto your skin, just to the left centre. Hold the other funnel to your ear. You should hear a low beating sound. Use the timer to count how many beats you hear in 20 seconds. Multiply this number by three (use a calculator if you’re not confident) to find out how fast your heart beats in one minute. Try doing some more tests such as running around for 5 minutes and then checking how fast your heart is beating. Compare your results to your brothers, sisters, parents and even pets heart rates, are there any