In spite of that claim, I don’t think that’s nearby accurate as families are required to make sacrifices for their kids. Participation in competitive sport can be a financial hardship for some families. To emphasize, primary cost includes uniforms, travel expenses, hotel, equipments, and more. Visual News, a news blog, claims that youth competitive sports can be expensive for some families. As argued “In the United States, parents spend $671 on average per year to cover the costs of uniforms and the hefty fees charged for registration, lessons, and coaching, and at least 1 in 5 ends up spending over $1,000 per child, every year” (Visual News. 2015) This shows beyond doubt that parents have to spend hundreds of money on their kid’s sport equipment, travel expenses, lessons, and etc. Furthermore, since the injuries are immensely frequent, medical cost is as well. Youth Sports Safety, a medical site argues that as the rate of injuries rises in youth sport, so does the medical cost, and parents are the ones who have to spend the money on their kid’s health safety. As argued, “Medical costs for sports injury emergency department visits exceed $935 million each year” This explains that medical cost can add up to be overly costly. Also, Parent has to sacrifice their own time or their job in order to take their children to sports. John O’Sullivan, a speaker of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America, argues that parents have to show support to their kids, and doing so takes time away from their work. As argued, “They add a great deal of chaos to their lives, and spend their valuable time traveling far and wide watching their kids play sports” (O’Sullivan. 2015). This proves that youth competitive sports affect the parents because they change their schedules or take time away from work to support their kids participating sports. In the final analysis, because of youth
In spite of that claim, I don’t think that’s nearby accurate as families are required to make sacrifices for their kids. Participation in competitive sport can be a financial hardship for some families. To emphasize, primary cost includes uniforms, travel expenses, hotel, equipments, and more. Visual News, a news blog, claims that youth competitive sports can be expensive for some families. As argued “In the United States, parents spend $671 on average per year to cover the costs of uniforms and the hefty fees charged for registration, lessons, and coaching, and at least 1 in 5 ends up spending over $1,000 per child, every year” (Visual News. 2015) This shows beyond doubt that parents have to spend hundreds of money on their kid’s sport equipment, travel expenses, lessons, and etc. Furthermore, since the injuries are immensely frequent, medical cost is as well. Youth Sports Safety, a medical site argues that as the rate of injuries rises in youth sport, so does the medical cost, and parents are the ones who have to spend the money on their kid’s health safety. As argued, “Medical costs for sports injury emergency department visits exceed $935 million each year” This explains that medical cost can add up to be overly costly. Also, Parent has to sacrifice their own time or their job in order to take their children to sports. John O’Sullivan, a speaker of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America, argues that parents have to show support to their kids, and doing so takes time away from their work. As argued, “They add a great deal of chaos to their lives, and spend their valuable time traveling far and wide watching their kids play sports” (O’Sullivan. 2015). This proves that youth competitive sports affect the parents because they change their schedules or take time away from work to support their kids participating sports. In the final analysis, because of youth