As I childminder I must be register with the regulation body before I can care for other people’s children. All the regulation bodies in the UK publish standards and procedures that every childminder have to meet in order to be register. The regulator body (ofsted ) control in home based childcare in the following ways: registration, investigation, enforcement.
Outlines legislation
Every Child Matters
This was the name of the green paper produced in response to the Laming inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbié in 2000. It went on to form the basis of the 2004 Children’s Act. The paper lists five outcomes which were identified in consultation with children and young people: Being healthy: Staying safe: Enjoying and achieving Making a positive contribution Economic well-being:
Childrens Act 1989
Aims to protect child’s welfare are paramount in any decisions made about their upbringing. It states that every effort should be made to preserve a child’s home and family links and also introduced the notion of parental responsibility. It details how local authorities and courts should act in order to protect the welfare of children.
Children’s Act 2004
This act sets out the processes for integrating services to children in England and Wales, requiring local authorities and their partners to co-operate in promoting the welfare and wellbeing of children. It created the post of Children’s Commissioner for England and introduced the requirement for local authorities to have a director of children’s services.
Special educational needs and disability act 2001
Aims to protect children from discrimination on the basis of disability and settings must make reasonable adjustments to their provision to meet the needs and rights of the child.
Task 2 1.2 Policies and procedures for home based childcare service.
Accident, illness and