Produce a table outlining the current legislation and guidelines relating to safeguarding.
The 1989 Children Act
This is the most important piece of legislation with regards to childcare. It simplified the laws that protect children and young people and made clear the duty of care for all those who work with children or young people.
Working together to safeguard children 2010
This document was produced to safeguard and protect children. To create and maintain a safe learning environment for children and young people. To give local authorities (LSCB) the power to produce own safeguarding policies.
Laming Report 2003
Independent enquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie and other serious case reviews. It identified wide ranging failings of the safeguarding system. Many professionals working with children not following guidance in “working together” brought about the following piece of legislation
Every child matters guidelines and children’s act 2004
This brought together agencies such as healthcare professionals, schools and welfare services. Created central database containing records of all children and whether known to different services. Independent children’s commissioner to oversee and protect all children’s rights and Ofsted to monitor children’s services.
Other pieces of legislation
Human rights act 1989
United Nations convention on the rights of the child 1989
Sexual Offences Act 2003 (New offences created such as grooming)
Protection of children act 1989 (dealt with staff misconduct and recruitment ie POCA list)
Safeguarding vulnerable groups act 1986
Independent safeguarding authority (ISA) was given a wider role in checking new workers, poor practice etc.
Munro report 2011 – recommends a less bureaucratic and more child centred approach.
Unit 333.1.2/3
Write an explanation of child protection within the wider context of safeguarding children and young people, relating it to the policies and procedures in the