| Legislation | Description of the area | 1 | The Children Act 1989 | * a child’s welfare is paramount when making any decisions about a child’s upbringing. * It introduced the concept of parental responsibility * Local authorities are charged with the duty to investigate if there are suspicions a child suffers significant harm * The NSPCC is designated “authorised person status”. * defines “harm” as ill-treatment (including sexual abuse and non- physical forms of ill-treatment), or the impairment of health or development. * helps professionals in identifying children in need, and deliver the best options in helping the families and children. * | 2 | Children Act 2004 | * sets out the process for integrating services to children * appoints local authorities and their partners to delegate a director of children’s services and an elected lead member for children’s services, who is ultimately accountable for the delivery of services * created the post of Children's Commissioner for England * updates the legislation on physical punishment | 3 | The sexual Offences Act 2003 | * updates the existent legislation regarding offences against children * monitors the sex offenders * includes the offences of grooming, abuse of position of trust ,trafficking. |
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of a range of activities that can be used to encourage children to protect themselves (1.2)
| Activity | Evaluation of effectiveness | 1 | Talking about safe/unsafe | Talking is important as children learn a great deal of things from the adults they feel comfortable with.Children give their own definitions of the words.Children(age 5-6) are asked to think about situations where they felt safe/unsafe.Then they are asked to identify places in community where they feel this way.The activities very efficient for